Welcome to the official demo of Mortyr: 2093 - 1944.
Attention: This is internet demo only. Please do NOT cover!

  • What is the game?
  • Hardware needed. Preliminary setup.
  • How to play?
  • Credits. Or how do I get into action?

    What is the game?

    Mortyr is the First Person Perspective action game, which means that everything you see is presented as if from the player's eyes.
    The plot begins in an alternate reality, where the whole Earth is ruled by the Nazi Reich. The Nazis managed to win the II World War by constructing the Time Machine and receiving the powerful artifact from the far future. The artifact which gave them the military supremacy on the world's battlefields.
    Today, in 2093, nobody remembers the way the world was before. The leaders have succesfully misplaced the history and people know the ruling Nazism as the every-day reality.
    But life is never that simple. One of the military scientists, Obersturmbannfuhrer Jurgen Mortyr and his science crew have connected the growing number of world's disasters, weather and gravity anomalies, with the development and usage of still secret Time Machine. Tests have confirmed the theorem that the time travels indeed are the cause of growing cataclisms. Even more - very soon they shall reach the point, where they connect into the great collapse that will destroy the planet.
    Thus Jurgen and his cooperatives make the only possible decission - to destroy this line of time, to bring it back as it should be. They want to send the trusted person into the past, to the key point which was the creation of the first Time Machine - to destroy it and prevent it's creators from making the next one.
    Yes, but who should go? The best and only choice is Jurgen's son - Sebastian. As a perfectly trained killing machine, the youngest instructor of the elite fighting teams, he was really perfect to fulfill such a task. The task wasn't meant to be hard, anyway - transported precisely to the chamber of the Time Machine inventor, Sebastian was to kill him, run the detonators and get back a while before the explosion.
    Unfortunately, it was probably a calculation error which made Sebastian appear in a small chapel, outside the castle. Left alone, without any weapon, our hero still has a mission to complete.
    And here is the place where you come to.... if you dare.

    The full version of the game contains 19 levels placed in the 1944, around and in the castle being the Time Machine developing center, and 11 levels taking place in the future, after Mortyr's return to his own times. There, as the traitor and outlaw with the bounty on his head, Sebastian has to reach and destroy the artifact, which is the source of Reich military supremacy.

    Both the parts of the game - 1944 and the future - have the different sets of weapons and enemies. They are like different games, connected by the hero, his mission and Nazi environment he has to fight in.

    Except for the single player missions, the game contains the variety of multiplayer levels - 6 deathmatch, 4 cooperative plus 1 Capture The Flag level.

    Hardware needed. Preliminary setup.

    To run, Mortyr Demo needs the PC with Intel Pentium(R) compatible processor (or better), 32MB of RAM, HDD with proper amount (about 70MB) of free space, Microsoft Windows 95/98, Microsoft DirectX 6.0 plus the video 3D accelerator compatible with Microsoft Direct 3D.
    But to have the game run smoothly you need
  • Pentium II 266MHz or better
  • 64MB RAM
  • Microsoft DirectSound compatible soundcard
  • AGP-based 3D accelerator (Microsoft Direct3D compatible, of course)
  • Heart of Anger and Blood of Fire.

    Depending on the amount of your 3D accelerator's texture memory, Mortyr will switch the texture resolution. It will try to do it automatically, and on the most of adapters it will succeed. The game will also attempt to detect the 3D sound hardware acceleration, video modes, mouse type and so on.
    However, if the impossibility occurs, there is a way do setup all the settings manually. Simply run the game with the setup parameter, for example
    mortyr.exe setup
    and the control panel will appear. It should allow you to set everything correctly.

    If the game runs too slow on your machine, try disabling some video fireworks from the setup or ingame advanced options menu.

    How to play?

    The game is controlled by the keyboard and the mouse altogether. Default settings are:
  • left/right arrows - strafe left/right.
  • up/down arrows - move forward/backward.
  • space bar - jump.
  • ctrl key - crouch.
  • ESC key - menu.
  • A/Z keys - look up/down.
  • 1-0 keys - switch weapons.
  • [/] (square brackets) - move through inventory.
  • Enter - use inventory item.

  • moving the mouse moves the view (mouselook on).
  • left button - shoot/attack.
  • right button - jump.

    Mortyr's inventory is very tricky. For example max health amount is 100, so when you are at 50 health points and pick up a medpack, you end with 75. But when you are at 100 health points, next medpack you pick up gets into your inventory, so you can use it up later!
    You can also use the inventory to switch weapons.

    Some gameplay hints:
  • Move fast. Never stop.
  • Use far range weapons whenever possible - try to avoid close combat, for it is more dangerous.
  • Enemies have limited ammunition, so it is possible to make them unarmed by waiting in some tricky place till they shoot off everything they have - it's not easy, but no doubt you'll learn.
  • When hit, enemies sometimes run away searching for medpacks. They can also pick up armors, so be sure to get all the goodies first!
  • Always shoot first.

    Credits, or how do I get into action?

    Mortyr is being developed by Mirage Media, available at http://www.mirage.com.pl.
    Mortyr official site is available at http://www.mortyr.com.pl, while not quite official but most informative indeed is http://www.mortyr.net.
    Questions should be directed to Mr. Mortyr himself ;)

    Cover demo is either under construction or it is already complete.
    If you want to cover it in your magazine/newspaper, please contact Mirage Media.

    Good luck then!